Delta Gamma

Letter from Recruitment Chair

Greetings from Texas Tech University!

Choosing where to go to college is a big decision, isn't it? Whether you're close by or far away like I once was, the search for your place can feel overwhelming. Back in 2022, I faced that same challenge. Originally from New Hampshire, I found myself in Texas for high school and graduated from Prosper TX near Dallas. I loved the city, but I knew it was time for something new.
Moving onto campus and saying goodbye to my family was nerve-wracking. No friends, no familiar faces—just trying to figure out where I belonged. But then, something amazing happened. Despite the nerves, I found my sanctuary. It was during Fall Primary Recruitment that I discovered Delta Gamma—a sisterhood that became my home away from home.
I understand the excitement and butterflies you're feeling right now. It's a journey filled with ups and downs, but trust me: it's worth every moment. Take that leap, participate in Fall Primary Recruitment, and uncover your own second home. Because finding your place in a sisterhood can bring you more than you ever dreamed—sisterhood, support, care, and a love that lasts a lifetime.
I've experienced it firsthand. From those initial nerves to forming deep connections, Delta Gamma has given me more than I could have imagined. Lifelong friendships, chances to lead, scholarships, internships, and opportunities to make a difference—all because I took that chance.
Whatever path you choose, find what brings you joy. For me, it was Delta Gamma—a place where my college experience truly came alive. The memories, the friendships—they're priceless treasures I'll cherish forever.
So, as you embark on this incredible journey, remember: these college years are yours to shape. Embrace every moment, seize every opportunity, and discover your own Delta Gamma. Whether here at Texas Tech or elsewhere, the bonds you form will shape your future in ways you can't yet imagine.
Here at Delta Gamma, we want you to be your authentic self, but most importantly, we hope you find something that anchors you. We can not wait to set sail with our New Member Class of Fall 2024! Please register for Fall Primary Recruitment at the Texas Tech Panhellenic website, and I hope you find your home.

With love and excitement for your journey ahead, and ITB, Vice President of Membership for Texas Tech Delta Gamma 2024 - Brianna Guadalupe

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