Delta Gamma

Programming Events

Mom's Weekend

This is a super fun and engaging weekend for moms and collegians to connect and grow with each other. Our staple brunch on Saturday is something that we cherish as a chapter. It helps us create deeper bonds with our sisters and amazing moms that allow them to form relationships and gain a deeper understanding of Delta Gamma. Other events that happen throughout this weekend are focused more on creating memories and simply enjoying the company of other collegians and their moms!


Dad's Weekend

This is a time for collegians and their dads to spend quality time with one another and form new connections. This is a time for dads to learn more about what Delta Gamma stands for as an organization, and how we are “doing good” in our community. Along with this, this event provides dads with the opportunity to spend uninterrupted time with their collegians and participate in different events throughout the weekend designed to facilitate these connections.


Founder's Day

Founder’s day is when we as collegians can reflect on the meaningful history of Delta Gamma and its founders. As a chapter with local alumnae, we celebrate all that Delta Gamma, as a fraternity, has given us as women and the positive impacts that we are making both within the community and across the country. This is also a time when we recognize outstanding members in the chapter, along with our alumnae and chapter-specific advisors. Founder’s day is a very special day of the year that brings us as Delta Gamma’s closer together in shared values and bonds.


Sisterhood Events

These are times in which members of the chapter are able to spend time with one another participating in various activities, such as picnics, Galentine’s day celebrations, arts and crafts, and many more. Throughout the year, there are many sisterhood events that provide opportunities to collegians to grow in relationships with their sisters and even create new ones.


Chapter Retreat

This is an annual event that allows the members of our chapter to enjoy time together and reconnect with one another. This event allows for a stress-free time for the members of the chapter to spend time together and strengthen their bonds with other sisters.


Senior Programming

The seniors of this chapter are the women who leave behind a legacy for the future generation of Delta Gammas. We want to do as much as we can to keep these incredible women involved in the chapter with respect to their outside commitments. Recognizing these women is something that Gamma Xi strives to do. Our Senior Queens highlight on Instagram is a great way to show our appreciation for the seniors and all they have done for the chapter.


Alumnae Relations

Keeping alumnae involved in chapter operations is something that we prioritize as a chapter. We have mixers with our local alumnae to get collegians connected with women in their potential field of career interest to foster their educational interests, along with an alumnae appreciation brunch that allows us to thank these incredible women for all that they do for our chapter.

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